Kupiškis District Tourism and Business Information Center, VšĮ

Alizava St. John the Baptist church


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St. John the Baptist Church is in Kupiskis district, in Alizava town, near the Vabalninkas Pandėlys road, on the right bank of Pyvesa River. Landlord Antanas Koscialkovskis built a wooden church with a turret in Pakapė in 1794. Pakapė was named Alizava in honour of his son Aloysius. The current wooden church was built by the priest Jonas Bžestovičius from 1853 to 1856. The priest Ferdinandas Ūselis built a new rectory, rebuilt the farm buildings and planted a fruit tree garden in 1872. The church reconstruction project was approved and the towers were built in 1900. The cemetery was enlarged in 1905. The branch of the Lithuanian Catholic Sobriety Society operated in the church from 1909 to 1914. During the First World War, the church was seriously damaged. In the concern of the curate Kazimieras Mockus (1909 1921) the church was restored. The curate Felicijonas Lialis (1923 1927) bought a bell, restored farm buildings. The priest J. Savukaitis reorganized the altars and set up a bookstore in 1938. The church has a rectangular plan, with 2 facade towers. The church has 3 naves separated by columns. There is a bell tower in the churchyard. The churchyard has masonry fence.


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