Kupiškis District Tourism and Business Information Center, VšĮ

The Picture gallery of the Painter Veronika Šleivytė


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Working hours:
I —
II —
III 08:00 — 17:00 Lunch: 12:00 — 12:45
IV 08:00 — 17:00 Lunch: 12:00 — 12:45
V 08:00 — 17:00 Lunch: 12:00 — 12:45
VI 08:00 — 15:45 Lunch: 12:00 — 12:45

Viktariškiai village, located by the Pyvesa stream, has been famous in recent decades for the picture gallery of the artist Veronika Šleivytė, which was opened on September 2, 1985. The artist V. Šleivytė was born on December 6, 1906 in Kupiškis district, Antašava town, in the family of a blacksmith with many children. Life was not easy for the big family of Šleiviai. When Veronika was four years old, father Jonas Šleivys moved the hut from the town to Viktariškiai village. V. Šleivytė, despite living in poverty, graduated from elementary school, and later, in 1934, from the Kaunas Higher Art School, where she majored in graphics. However, she preferred to create paintings. The rich creative heritage of the artist is scattered all over Lithuania, but most of her works are in the gallery in Viktariškiai village. There are no exact statistics about the works of art created by V. Šleivytė, but it is believed that she painted and drew about 2 thousand pieces of art. The artist has organized over 90 group and personal exhibitions throughout Lithuania. V. Šleivytė donated her parents' homestead to the former Antašava collective farm on the condition that a gallery of her works would be established there. The artist's dream came true. On September 2, 1985, the old homestead of the parents blossomed with flowers painted by Šleiviai daughter, and the interior of in the granaries and other buildings was recreated with authentic furniture, rakes and household items.

The museum can be visited by registering in advance by phone: +370 682 34 232.

The museum is open during the summer season from June 18 until September 2.


In summer

