St. Hyacinth Church is located in Kupiškis district, Antašava town, near the Vabalninkas-Kupiškis road. The owner of the Antašava Manor Jackus Antašauskis built a wooden church in the Papyvesio cemetery (so called Antašava until the end of the 18th century) in 1793. In the concern of J. Antašauskis a masonry presbytery was built (architect Mykolas Šulcas). The construction of the new church was interrupted by the war of 1812 (The Russian Campaign). In the concern of pastor Albinas Rubavičius a new wooden church was built in 1862. A masonry belfry was built in 1870. Sacristy was built in 1905. The parish was established in 1906. The church got 8 ha of land in Salamiestis Manor in 1927, which were later exchanged for 8 ha of land near Antašava. Juozapas Čepėnas (1880 - 1976), who was a pastor from 1928 to 1940, renovated and painted the interior of the church. Two massive towers rise from the corners of the church roof. The church has a rectangular plan (20 x 10 m) and is aisleless. There is an old cemetery in the churchyard.
