Kupiškis District Tourism and Business Information Center, VšĮ

Version for disabled people

Hotkey combinations. For people with visual impairments, most points on this website can be accessed using several key combinations:

  • Control and +/- or Control and mouse wheel up or down : increases and decreases text size;
  • Press the SHIFT key five times : toggles key lock on and off;
  • Hold down the SHIFT key for eight seconds : toggles key filtering on and off; h
  • Press and hold the NUM LOCK key for five seconds : Turns the toggle sound on and off;
  • Left ALT+Left SHIFT+NUM LOCK : Enables and disables keyboard mouse emulation;
  • Left ALT+Left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN : Toggles contrast image on and off.

Other key combinations:

  • F1 - help is called;
  • F2 - rename the name of the selected directory or file;
  • F3 - the file search window opens on the desktop;
  • F5 - the image is updated ("refresh");
  • F10 - opens the program menu;
  • Ctrl + A - selects all desktop objects;
  • Alt + Enter - opens the object properties panel;
  • Alt - underlined letter from the menu - menu section is selected;
  • Alt + F4 - Closes the window;
  • Ctrl + C - selected objects are copied to computer memory;
  • Ctrl + V - copied objects are pasted to the selected location;
  • Delete - the selected object is deleted;
  • Ctrl + D - deletes the selected object;
  • Alt + Space - opens the window menu;
  • Shift + F10 - opens the menu of the selected object;
  • Ctrl + Esc - "Start" menu is called;
  • Alt + Tab - select another window;
  • Ctrl + Z - undoes the last action.